Dj Bacon Blog/News
RSS Feed
Twitter account
I have been deleting and creating twitter account a couple of times because I wasn't sure if I actually need it. This time I think I'm gonna stick with it and post whatever I want. Might even be nothing related to music. @djbacons
Next in line of order

Sooooo, the next in line of order is Brother Louis Favorites 2016. This mix was planned a loooooong time ago and I managed to make only a first draft of mix. I think i will do same vocal experiments as in Latviešu Deju Megamikss 13.

Latviešu Tusiņš 2020
Skatoties cik ļoti jums patīk Latviešu Tusiņš 2019, šovakar uznāca spontāna vēlme uzmiksēt vēlvienu šādu miksu. Tad nu paņēmu jaunās (un dažas vecākas) dziesmas dejas ritmos un uztaisīju nonstop miksu "Latviešu Tusiņš 2020".
Simple version of my website


I created simplified version of my website so it is easier to navigate and find mixes you are looking for.

Unfortunately user profiles are disabled and downloads as well. However there are links to sites where you can listen mix you're interested to. I will add links to all available mixes in next days.

Stay safe!

Moving files to LBRY


I found a good alternative to youtube/file share where i can pot all my audio and video mixes for you to watch/listen/download. It is called LBRY. I have uploaded a few audio and video mixes and everything looks ok.

Slowly one by one I will move all files there so it will be faster load times and always online (even when is offline)

Latviešu Deju Megamikss 13 (2020)

Sveiki draugi un fani! :)

Jau labu laiciņu atpakaļ esmu iesācis taisīt Latviešu Deju Megamikss 13 ar dziesmām, kas ir sākot no 90tajiem līdz pat 2020. gada jaunumiem. Mikss ir nedaudz virs divām stundām garš, kas ir netradicionāli šai miksu sērijai.

Plāns ir miksu drīz pabeigt, lai uz Līgo būtu kautkas jauns dejojams.

Mans kolēģis Mart Inc. arī veido latviešu miksu tā, ka jums būs vismaz divi jauni latviešu miksi pie kā dejot :)

Christmas Update 2019

Hello my friends and fans. This is just a little update to let you know that I'm still here :)

Still don't have much of a mixing mood, but i have plans to finally start mixing Brother Louis Favorites 2016 and Dreilini Mix 2019. My friend Louis has already sent me song list for Brother Louis Farvorites 2016 mix and another friend Dmitry has collected all songs for Dreilini Mix 2019, so I'm good to go. Just need that spare time and mixing mojo. :D :D

Christmas Party 2019? Hmm. I have been thinking about it and i think i have enough songs for it, but again - time and mixing mojo is missing.

For now here is Christmas Mix List for you to enjoy.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Uploading to YouTube

Hi there!

I'm uploading all my mixes to YouTube and scheduling them to go public one mix a day. Unfortunately some get blocked by copyright claim, but some are available.

Go subscribe to and not miss out on any new mixes.

P.S. Happy Dance 7 is coming soon. After that Brother Louis Favorites 2016.

Kā izmantot manus vecos CD dārzā


Variants kā izmantot manus vecos CD dārzā - putnu atbaidīšanai!

Labi strādā! :)

P.S. Tuvākais disks satur šo miksu Megamix vx 065

Sign in problem fixed (hopefully)

Today I finally found reason why many of you couldn't sign in. I fixed it and hopefully it works for you now.

Also i added a couple of additional notifications when creating new account, requesting new password and signing in.

I also added LogRocket script to my website so i can see how you guys browse my website and what is not working that i cannot see by browsing it myself. Hopefully with this i will be able to make better browsing and listening experience for you guys. :) P.S. I cannot see your passwords in case anyone is worried about that.

Latviešu 90to gadu deju megamikss

This is for my Latvian fans

Palēnām vācu latviešu deju mūziku no 90tajiem (kasetēm un diskiem) un plāns ir uztaisīt Latviešu Deju Megamikss 13 tieši no šīs mūzikas. Tā kā pašam ļoti šī mūzika patīk tad izdomāju to apkopot miksā. Vēl visas dziesmas, ko vēlējos, nav savāktas tāpēc mikss vēl netiek taisīts. Tiklīdz būšu savācis visu nepieciešamo, tad sākšu miksēties :)

Login problems!

Hello, my friends! Just letting you know that I'm aware that some accounts are having login problems. I will fix those, but I don't know when that will be.

As most of you know, I'm maintaining this website in my free time and lately i don't have it that much.

If you need something from website, you are always welcome to write me. :)
