Hello my friends!
I just updated design of my website. Again? Yes :) because I want it to look good. I'm still learning web design so bear with me.
Any comments and suggestions are welcome at any social network listen in my profile.
I'm looking for ideas for new mashups. Can you help? :)
Here is a form if you have ideas for new mashups. docs.google.com
I created twitter account (again? I know :D ) and this time I decided to stick with it.
Facebook is awfull for posting news on page so I will use twitter. If i can i will link those accounts so that twitter posts go here as well.
Here is a treat for my fans. A channel where I'm posting my unfinished mixes and experiments with music.
Neliels bonuss maniem faniem. Kanāls, kurā lieku savus nepabeigtos miksus un eksperimentus ar mūziku.