Right after i opened this new website, i gave SuperUser status to all who donated to this page and to those whom i promised personaly. For now i will not give this status to anyone cause i dont have download links entered into system, so there is no much of point of this status at the moment. As soon as i have time ill enter all download links and them i will announce it here. For now you can listen and commant/rate mixes.
As i mentioned some time ago, when i open my new page, ftp server will be closed.
From now on you will be able to download files only from this page. Old page will be closed in next days.
In my free time ill start adding files for downloads.
At last i can announce that new page is available for browsing. Of course it is still in development stage, but News, Mixes and Help sections are practically done. If you see any errors, please let me know to my email [email protected] . You can see and test new page here.
P.S. Downloads are not available at moment, because i just had no time to enter them in database.
At last i had a little time to make something more to my new page. New section and comments are ready. Now just Mix section with downloads (for active users only) and then new page will be available for all of you.
Im making new page more user friendly so you can easily find you looking for. After mix sections ill make Forum section where you can ask all your questions.
I put listening links for all three NSM Grandmix mixes. Now you can listen each of those mixes.
Since there has been questions about how legal is that im sharing my mixes (even though i dont get money for them), i decided to remove all downloads. So from now on this page will have only information about mixes without possibility to download.
Sorry to all of you, but i dont want to have problems.
Well, years is almoust over, and Christmas is right here. So i wanna with you all merry and peacefull Christmas. Good luck and much happiness in New Year.
If everything goes as planned, then you will be able to see my Video Dance Yearmix 2007 (CA Edition) on big screen on Monday, December 10th @ Plaza Club, Vancouver, Canada.
CA Edition will be with extra 10 minutes at the end made specially for that occasion.
I will inform you about any news about that.
So untill now i remove any downloads of this mix.
Last week i started making new Video Yearmix 2007. Hopefully i will finish it this year. Not like previous years :)
I know page looks crapy sofar, but i stopped to develop this page because there is comming new one. i know another new one. But this time its going to be cool style and totaly new and modern engine and user friendly (all user) :). So basicly i will make it as understandable as possible learning from all your questions and suggestions.
unfortunately this is huge work to develop whole new page, so this is going to take a while. Meanwhile use existing one. Visualy its crapy, but its workiing fine.
Thanx to one great person who donated very large amount of webspace, i think i can put all my mixes online for web download and listenintg. So now when ever ai have time ill convert and upload mixes, so now you be able to listen and get older mixes too.