I don't know why, but Dance Yearmix 2010 is mixing very slowly and there are so many tracks to put in mix. It's gonna be long. I think longer than 2 hours. So far i have approximately 50 minutes done and it's not even a half of tracks used.
Yesterday i finally found SoundForge that works on Ubuntu. So i will be continue making my normal mixes. So yesterday i already mixed 20 more minutes for Dreilini 2010 mix. After Dreilini 2010 is ready i will make Dance Yearmix 2010 and Happy Dance 6.
Some time ago I acquired Philips DCC 900 recorder. I started recording on DCC cassettes various albums. Some of them Trance. Since i prefer those Trance albums mixed in nonstops i mixed those in DCC nonstops and recorded to DCC Cassettes. Then i thought that there might be someone else who likes those albums in mixed nonstops. So i posted latest DCC Nonstops in this site.
Labu laiku atpakaļ iegādājos Philips DCC 900 aparātu. Ar šo aparātu rakstu DCC kasetēs sev mūziku. Vairākus Trance stila albūmus man labāk patīk klausīties nonstopā nekā katru dziesmu atsevišķi, tāpec es to albūmu samiksēju nonstopā un ierakstu. Domāju ka kādam bez manis arī varētu tāds variants patikt, tāpec izdomāju pēdējos no šiem nonstopiem ievietot šajā lapā.
I'm trying to move to UBUNTU OS. Unfortunately after yesterdays actions I had to reinstall everything again. Hopefully now it's gonna be ok.
Sorry for inconvenience.
For anyone who is interested, i posted some of my unreleased remixes in my YouTube channel. Those are short demo versions.
Ja kādam ir interese tad savā YouTube kanālā publicēju dažus no neizlaistajiem remiksiem. Tās ir īsas demonstrācijas versijas.