Forum > Suggestions > Post #508
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2012-Mar-13 02:29
dont suppose you thought about doing abba.......just a thought
Dj Bacon
2012-Mar-13 08:46
Well, i have ABBA - Aerobic Workout, but other than that there are no plans to make ABBA mix. Maybe some day.
2012-Mar-14 02:21
yes sorry bacon saw it after i put post up..good mix
2012-Mar-14 02:24
i made one of abba with MixMeiste some time ago anyway i can send it to you some how..or dont you bother getting stuff sent to you?
2012-Apr-14 03:18
hmmmm Abba would be great,been a while
2012-Dec-16 19:18
Leider kann ich ABBA nicht ziehen und deshalb würde ich mich freuen, wenn du für user level 1 einen megamix machst. danke und gruss
2012-Dec-16 19:18
ups Unfortunately, I can not pull ABBA and so I would be happy if you're making a level 1 user for megamix. Thanks and greeting
2013-Dec-05 15:18
i ave seen this as the best for my work outs