Forum > Mixes > Post #1599
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Dj Bacon
2000-Dec-31 22:00
Comments on "Enigma - Mea Culpa Nonstop 2"
Mix page
Old title: Nonstop dx 009

2006-Jan-18 16:54
Very good mix. One of my favourites from enigma.
2006-Jan-18 16:57
I like this very much. I try to get the others too.
2006-Jan-18 17:02
I need more credit. Sorry
2006-Jan-18 17:08
Problems with download. Try one more.
Dj Bacon
2006-Jan-18 17:37
Thanx for compliments :) but if you red help section you know that you cant get more credit for commenting one mix more then once.
2007-Jul-27 19:13
Also one of my favourites!
Thanks Enigma and special thanks DJ Bacon!
2007-Dec-30 16:23
Thank Mr. Bacon. Now i will download Megamix 3 and my jobs is finish. :)
2008-Nov-09 16:03
niceeeeeeeeeee its enigma its a cool release top mix and mega thanks for this

i love yu and i love the sound

greets djmastrd
2009-May-17 18:23
Beidzot tieku lÄ«dz šim..
Kaut kā pēdējā laikā esmu sācis pievērsties Enigmai, līdz ar ko pietrūka pat klausāmā un prasījās miksus.
Ir veci, bet labi... nākotnē kādu jaunāku arī varētu uzmeistarot, kad kādreiz būs laiks :)
Dj Bacon
2009-May-17 20:33
Jā sen neko relax tipa neesmu taisÄ«jis. TiešÄm varÄ“tu kautko padomāt šajā virzienā.
Tagad gan daudz kas darams cits, bet gan jau :)
2009-May-21 12:38
Vai šim dziesmu saraksts kaut kur nav pieejams, vai diemžēl ir pazudis?
Dj Bacon
2009-May-21 17:31
Šitais laikam viens no tiem miksiem, kam netika saglabāts dziesmu saraksts.
Kādreiz kad taisÄ«ju šos nonstopus nedomāju ka likšu viņus mājaslapā tāpÄ“c uztaisÄ«ju miksu un materiālus kopā ar dziesmu sarakstu izdzÄ“su.
2009-Nov-07 14:32
plz upgrade me so i can listen & download these tracks
2011-Mar-30 22:25
I heard the third of the sets of enigma but this is not
Please upgrade soon to hear
Dj Bacon
2011-Mar-31 07:15
@xmae:, @amba: Listening is available for everyone, no need to be upgraded. To download you need to be upgraded and you both are from now on. Enjoy.
2011-Apr-01 11:59
thanks but listening is not as good as the mp3 download
Dj Bacon
2011-Apr-01 13:52
@xmae: Yes, i know. Listening is lower quality and is ment to be as preview.
2011-Aug-11 14:06
It kā labs bet nu tikai Ä«pašiem vakariem,ikdienai pa lÄ“nu :)